Friday, July 16, 2010

Topic Proposal for Essay #3

I thouroughly enjoyed reading Margaret Atwood's novel, but one lingering thought or question I had was, "Why were only the women in Gilead oppressed by the Gilead government? Why were they singled out and the men had free reign?". When I asked myself this question, I thought of Nazi Germany in the 1930's and 40's and how they would single out certain groups of people as well, whether they were blacks, Jews, or homosexuals. But if someone was white, they didn't have to follow any strict rules and they had more freedom?

Therefore, the topic I am choosing for essay #3 is how closely the techniques used by the Nazi Germany government to control their people compare to the methods and techniques that were used by the Gilead government to control the women. I have always been intrigued by the history of Nazi Germany's totalitarian government and I think that the Gilead used alot of the same techniques for their government as well.

I chose researching the Nazi Germany because they ran a totalitarian government to control their people just like Gilead did and I am interested to see what methods are similar between the two that helped them to gain more control . I believe that this will definitely help me to better understand Atwood's novel because it will help to answer my question as to why the Gilead were so harsh on these women, what they thought they would gain from it, and why they oppressed these women the way they did.
Nazi-Germany 1939

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